Virtual and Augmented Reality are categories of real-time 3D visualization applications that put the user within an immersive environment. We create custom AR and VR solutions tailored to your precise needs, where users can closely inspect multivariate data, manipulate complex virtual designs and workflows, and evaluate architecture and infrastructure with a true sense of scale and presence.
See also Virtual + Augmented Reality.
VR Training
Human memory is generally understood as having two main learning systems: declarative and procedural memory. Muscle memory, a form of procedural learning, is created by repetitively performing an assigned sequence of events. It is a potent form of memory, as evidenced by the easy acquisition of life-long skills such as riding a bike or tying your shoes. Declarative learning is memory of facts or events, such as memorization of the alphabet, how to count, or your birth date.
Higher-skill tasks, such as learning to play a musical instrument while reading sheet music, require both forms of learning. Virtual reality environments can incorporate both procedural and declarative learning, making them an extremely effective training tool for complex tasks.
Learn more about how human memory works at Wikipedia.

Pilot Cockpit Procedure Training
A fully-immersive 737 cockpit environment enables pilot VR training of ground tasks by utilizing both declarative and procedural memory learning. Muscle memory, a form of procedural learning, is created by repetitively performing an assigned sequence of events while a virtual guide cues the user in Practice Mode. In Training Mode, the same tasks are requested with no cues until the task sequence is memorized.
This VR training example demonstrates how low-cost systems can be used to augment more expensive traditional simulators and training systems. Although a pilot on-ground workflow example is shown here, this technology translates well to medical, industrial, automotive, manufacturing and other training requirements - any situation where the use of physical labs, training facilities and systems is inflexible, costly, time-consuming or involves personnel travel.
AR Desktop Manufacturing
Augmented reality is a great way to bring processes and systems that physically exist thousands of miles away to a desktop or conference room table. During the development phase process design, function, layout and other important parameters can be collaboratively studied by all project stakeholders including production, training and safety teams. With existing systems all process monitoring data, including IoT sensors, can be securely sent to the app in real-time, enabling remote viewing of production output, process control and troubleshooting.
In this simplified demonstration, the event log of a pick-and-place robot is being monitored and reviewed by the remote troubleshooting team.