Kinetic Vision's advanced CAD services design engineers utilize cutting-edge modeling techniques to deliver high-quality parametric models with exceptional return on investment for downstream use in modeling and simulation, additive or traditional manufacturing, product renderings and animations, and IP documentation. We are proficient in efficiently modeling complex forms that can be modified quickly, reducing the time and cost to implement design changes, and frequently use design tables and macros to efficiently build models for product families.
Our Advanced CAD Services Group supports model development in all of the leading 3D CAD software packages for product design, such as SolidWorks, Solid Edge, NX, CATIA, Creo, Inventor, and OnShape, with a high level of proficiency and skill.

Medical Device Dual-Material Molded Handle
In this example a hand-sculpted clay model was created and used for consumer research for fit and comfort. Once optimized, the model was laser scanned and used as a template for our CAD services design engineers to build a fully-parametric solid model matching the scan surfaces. The resulting solid model was then adjusted parametrically to consider mechanical design requirements such as draft, wall thickness and support bosses, while incorporating human factors considerations (such as hand size and comfort) learned during the user research.